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Chemistry fun facts

20 Chemistry Fun Facts Only Chemists Know

Feb 29, 2024

Abhay Vaviya

20 Chemistry Fun Facts: Engaging Classroom Resources for Teachers and Students

Hey, future scientists! Get ready to dive into the amazing world of chemistry, where every element tells a story and every reaction is a discovery waiting to happen.

Chemistry isn't just about formulas and test tubes—it's a playground of chemistry fun facts that will blow your mind! Whether you're a curious kid, a dedicated student, or just someone who loves a good experiment, get ready for a journey through some of the most interesting and fun chemistry facts you've ever heard.

From chemistry fun facts for kids to cool chemistry facts, this article is packed with tidbits that will make you see the world in a whole new way.

Let the Science circus begin!


1. Lightning strikes produce ozone and strengthen the ozone layer  of the atmosphere.

cool and interesting chemistry facts

2. The rarest naturally occurring element in the Earth's crust is Astatine. The entire crust appears to contain less than 30 grams of the element.

fun facts about elements in periodic table

3. Antimatter is the most expensive substance on Earth. About $62.5 trillion a gram.

cool and interesting chemistry facts

4. Friedrich Kekulé’s dream of a snake biting its own tail helped form the benzene structure.

cool and interesting chemistry facts

5. Every hydrogen atom in our body is 13.5 billion years old. Because they were created at the birth of the universe.

fun facts about elements in periodic table

6. One bucket of water contains more atoms than there are buckets of water in the Atlantic Ocean.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

7. The only non-silvery-looking metals are copper and gold.

fun facts about elements in periodic table

8. Glass is not solid; it is, in fact, a liquid. Glass molecules flow very slowly; this state is known as being an amorphous solid.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

9. The colors in fireworks are made possible by using different metal salts. Strontium carbonate (red fireworks), calcium chloride (orange fireworks), etc.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

10. Mars is rustic-looking because of the iron oxide in its soil.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

11. The mass of the visible universe is in the form of hydrogen and helium (73% and 25%, respectively). However, on Earth, both of these elements are relatively rare.

fun facts about elements in periodic table

12. The element with the highest melting point is tungsten, which melts at a temperature of 3,422°C (6,192°F).

fun facts about elements in periodic table

13. Apple seeds are extremely poisonous. It contains amygdalin, which is turned into cyanide when ingested.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

14. The element gold is very malleable. One ounce of gold can be beaten into a translucent sheet 0.000018 cm thick and covering 9 square meters.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

15. The smell of rain actually has a name: petrichor. It is caused by the water from the rain, along with certain compounds like ozone, geosmin, and plant oils.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

16. Water is a unique substance with unique properties. It is denser in its liquid form than in its solid form.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

17. Almost 18% of an average human body's mass is made up of carbon. The amount is sufficient to provide the “lead” for about 9000 pencils.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

18. Chemists have synthesized over 60 million different chemical compounds to date, with new compounds being discovered and created regularly.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

19. The sting of a bee is acidic, while that of a wasp has alkaline properties. If you get stung, you need to put bicarbonate of soda on a bee sting and vinegar on a wasp sting.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts

20. Every hydrogen atom in your body is around 13.5 billion years old! Because they were created at the birth of the universe.

cool and interesting chemistry fun facts


Well, budding chemists, we've reached the end of our exploration through some of the most fascinating chemistry fun facts around.

Did you enjoy the journey? I hope so! Remember, chemistry is all around us, shaping the world we live in and the way we understand it.

Whether it's a chemistry fun fact of the day or an interesting chemistry fact that sparks your curiosity, keep exploring and keep learning. Who knows? Maybe you'll be the one to discover the next big breakthrough in the world of chemistry!

And hey, if you want to keep these fun facts close at hand, why not consider getting them in poster form? They make excellent classroom decorations and are a fun way to remind students of the wonders of Chemistry. Click here to get them.

Keep exploring, keep learning, and most importantly, keep having fun with Chemistry!